2.0 oz dropper
Ingredients in Tincture:
Organic Gluten Free Vodka Infused With Organic Elderberries, Organic Plantain, Organic Mullein, Organic Astragalus Root, Organic Turkey Tail, Organic Oregano, Organic Eucalyptus, & Organic Lomatium.
Adults; 1 dropperful 2-3 times per day; Children; 1 dropperfuls 1-2 times per day. This is great for all year round, especially when traveling.
Elderberries improve cold and flu like symptoms. They contain essential vitamins and mineral that need to be consumed each day. It is rich in antioxidants that may improve heart health because elderberries reduce cholesterol levels. Other uses: chronic fatigues syndrome, constipation, hay fever, headaches, sinus infection, sciatica pain, toothaches, and upper respiratory infections.
Plantain promotes respiratory, liver and digestive health. It is rich in nutrients and boost the immune system.
Mullein is widely known for aiding in ear aches and infections, as well as respiratory infections. This herb is a staple in our home. Mullein can help with many different diseases and illnesses like; inflammatory diseases, asthma, coughs, influenza, herpes viruses, hemorrhoids, gout and bursitis.
Astragalus Root is another great immune booting herb and protects the cardiovascular system. It can slow or prevent the growth of tumors. It has even shown to regulate and prevent diabetes and illnesses related to diabetes.
Turkey Tail and astragalus root can offer support to chemo patients. Turkey tail can help treat human papilloma virus (HPV) and HIV/AIDS. It is a great herb to add in for everyday use because of the immune boosting properties.
Oregano is a powerful antioxidant and increases the production of white blood cells. White blood cells are needed to fight off bacteria and viral infections. Oregano will help speed up recovery time after sicknesses & promotes absorption of nutrients.
Eucalyptus helps loosen up phlegm and helps with coughs. It promotes dental health, may help manage asthma symptoms and supports skin health and reduces dryness. Eucalyptus is high in antioxidants and antimicrobial compounds which are needed when sick.
Lomatium was used during the 1917 Spanish flu outbreak to ward off respiratory infections and viruses.
Discontinue using any herbs if allergic reactions results. Do not take any of these herbs on an empty stomach or know of a potential ulcer. Consult with your physician if pregnant or breast-feeding before taking any herbs or if you have any questions or concerns. Use no more than four grams a day for most herbs or side effects may occur.
The information presented herein by Herbonna's Home Remedies is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.